Friday, September 2, 2011

First full week with students = SuCcEsS!!!!

I am so glad that the first full week of school is's always the hardest!  New schedule to adjust to, new names to learn, getting back into a routine of planning, copying, teaching, critiquing, etc.  It's just a nice feeling to have successfully finished an entire 5-day work week...and what are we rewarded with...why a 3 day weekend thank you very much!  This little lady can't complain!  :)  But in all seriousness, being back at work is super fun!  

Here's my daily's not 1/2 bad!  I was a little bummed last year when we got our schedules because I wasn't teaching a class that I had for the past 4 years...but change is always a good thing and there are so many positives that come with this change!  The co-worker who is teaching it is fantastic so I know the students are in good hands and the program will continue to grow (when I first started with the program we had 12 students signed the end of last year I had just about 30 in my I know that number fluctuate and enrollment totally depends on if students can afford to give up that much space in their schedules...but I have to admit...I was proud of where the program has come the past 4 year!!!)!  

Last year I had the first 2 periods of the day off...which some people would think is fantastic...but I'm a morning teacher!  Meaning?  I love to energize the kids first having to sit in the office for the first 2 hours of my day drove me crazy!  Especially since I'm not one to leave things to do for the next day...if it's for the following gets done the day before...I can't just 'hope' I'll be able to get to it!  Some people can work that way!  But not me!  

So this is my day:
1st hour...Child Development (15 fantastic girls that participate a ton!!!)
2nd hour...planning
3rd hour...Child Development (23 great girls...1 boy...very talkative (but on task) class...with awesome questions!)
4th hour...Foods 1 (18 students; 1/2 boys; 1/2 girls)
5th hour...advisory...this year for the first time every freshman has an advisory period (like a home room) for the first 1/2 of their lunch hour Monday-Thursday.  I like it so far!  Still working on selling it to the kids though...some are hold outs and miss their full lunch hour...I'm sure I'll get them to come around soon enough...PIZZA ANYONE?????  Oh did I mention it's 30 kids?  And 19 are boys...freshman boys???
6th hour...lunch
7th hour...Foods 1 (20 students...mix of boys and girls...probably my most polite class!
8th hour...Foods 1 (24 students...full house everyone!!!  Mix of boys and girls!  Fun and energetic personalities!)  

Although I don't update the blog daily...I do update what I'm thankful for on most days...which is a good indication of how my day goes!  :)  Feel free to check it out!  

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