Grandma Kitty - we KNOW I'm tired if this is the first thing that I write about!!! Grandma Kitty was my dad's mom. We lived with her for a while while our home in Palatine was being built. I have so many memories of watching the Cubs play on TV with the sound off so we could listen to the radio announcers. We would set out lawn chairs to save parking spaces in the city for my parents upon their return from work. We would ride the El...just for the sake of riding the El. We would walk Tedo (not a real dog...but a pound puppy dog that we would tie a string around and pull down the street). And every time it rains I think of a poem we would repeat on our morning walks if it was raining.
One misty, moisty morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
I chanced to meet an old man clothed all in leather.
He began to compliment, and I began to grin,
How do you do, and how do you do?
And how do you do again?
Seeing as it has been raining during some of my stay here in England I have found myself repeating this nursery rhyme time and time again. And I smile when I think about how it's kinda like England. As I walk home from dropping Dave off at the bus I see the same faces and have started to smile and say hello as we pass! :) Uncle Joe - with the Olympics being televised (ALL THE TIME) live in London I can't help but think back to my first experience with the games! Back in 1996, 2 of my dad's brothers lived and worked in Atlanta, GA. With all the hype around the games the Fedota brothers were fortunate enough not only to have tickets to a wide variety of events (tennis, track, swimming, name a few) but also to be a part of the games. One brother (Joe) was an envoy to the Bahraini athletes (big into sailing but sadly didn't medal). He was basically in charge of the team and was responsible for making sure they got to and from each other their events. So fun! My other uncle (Gary) was on a team of people who did all the pedestrian traffic signage. At the start of the games he would stand on top of buildings and watch where foot traffic backed up or funneled funny and then the team would work overnight to create signs for new traffic patterns. Joe's wife was working for another teams consulate at the time and was working with their athletes as well. (Such an involved family). I remember with fondness the humor that Joe brought to each and every situation.
S.E.F. - SEF was taken WAY before her time. We lived in the Chi Omega house together (for the semester she lived there) and then lived in an off-campus house with 6 other ladies. SEF lived in the attic - it was like her own little sanctuary up much space! She definitely drew the long straw when it came to room picking - while Carebear and I were stuck in the basement...oh but we loved our dark little space down there (possums and all!!!!). :) SEF was such a positive, cheerful, funny, and inspiring young woman. It's hard to believe she was needed in heaven 6 years ago.
Okay - I really don't want anyone to feel like I left out a loved one who deserves to be recognized here. This was just meant to be my thoughts as I sit and watch the mist fall over the mountain (hill?) outside the window. There really were no intentions here! Other than to say that sometimes, and it happens to us all, we miss people in our hearts more than I minds will us.